heart to heart sale
Becky Colwell
Becky Colwell

Heart To Heart Sales

Becky is on a mission to change the awful perception of sales. Sales is not a personality trait, it's just another business skill that supports our success, and she believes that everyone can sell with ease, stay aligned to their values, and connected with their clients.

Becky had a 15-year career in Sales, and she was top salesperson in almost every organization that she worked in. The feeling of only ever being as good as her last month’s figures left its toll and she changed direction to work in business improvement, consulting for large corporates. At 50, after a profound shift in her self-worth, she took the leap into entrepreneurship, and Heart to Heart Sales was founded.

Becky Colwell, Sales Coach and Business Mentor, helping you reduce the overwhelm of being in business. Working with kind business owners to increase their income with ease.

I'll be sharing tips and strategies to increase your sales so please come and chat - no sleazy sales tactics here! I'll share resources with you and you'll also have an opportunity to win a Sales Strategy Session with me.

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